Breakfast!! Mommy dah breakfast belum??
Epal rangup2 sedapkan... heeee... Antara breakfast paling mudah nak disediakan.. zaman kerja dulu bekal dalam kereta je... sambil layan sesak lalu lintas kita ngap-ngap la epal sebiji dua bersapa protein soya...
Mak-mak menyusu memang kuat makan... heee... korang pun kan... kuat2 makan jangan korang bantai je makan semuanya... tgk juga kalorinya ye...
Nak share cerita ngan korang ramai mommy BF ngadu gigi goyang, gigi rapuh dan lebih dasyat gigi patah-patah.. banyak makan cekelat eh??
Mommy BF digalakkan untuk mengambil makanan tambahan kalsium (calcium supplements) mengikut dos di antara 500 mg kalsium/ 250 mg magnesium sehingga 1500 mg kalsium/ 750 mg magnesium (lebih besar dos yang diambil, lebih efektif hasilnya). Jumlah dos makanan tambahan ini adalah bergantung kepada komposisi diet anda – lebih banyak protein daging (animal protein), lebih banyak Cal-mag yang diperlukan. Sekiranya korang adalah pemakan sayuran sahaja (vegetarian), dos yang lebih rendah sudah mencukupi.
Mommy boleh check semula diet harian, cukup ke tak cukup, soi soi je ke? Plus kita ni perempuan, kalsium selalu merosot setiap kali period... 😊
Sumber :
Some babies may detect a slight change in the taste of the milk just before a period, again, due to hormonal changes. These same babies may nurse less often or less enthusiastically during this time as a result.
For some women, the drop in milk supply and nipple tenderness associated with menstruation becomes more of a challenge. An effective treatment for these symptoms associated with the return of periods is to add a calcium/magnesium supplement to the diet upon ovulation and continue it through the second or third day of a period. The supplement should be 1500 calcium/750 magnesium but can be as low as 500 calcium/250 magnesium (the higher the dosage the more effective and quicker the results). It should be a combination pill. This much calcium should never be taken alone. If your cycles are not regular and you do not know when you ovulate, you can take the supplement the entire month until you begin to see a pattern to your flow. This type of supplement seems to work as it prevents the drop in blood calcium levels which occurs mid-cycle and continues through the second to third day of a period. It is this drop which is associated with the nipple tenderness and drop in milk supply as well as the uterine cramping so often experienced with menstruation. You only need to take one pill a day.
So, mommy untuk penyerapan yang terbaik, kalsium perlu bersama-sama magnesium dan vit D dalam satu masa..
Beberapa website yang menyokong penyusuan susu ibu.
The return of menstruation does not mean the end of breastfeeding. The milk does not sour or “go bad” when you are having a period. The milk is no less nutritious when you are menstruating than when you are not. Some women do notice a temporary drop in milk supply in the days just prior to a period and for a few days into one. This is due to hormonal fluctuations. Once the period begins and hormone levels begin to return to normal, the milk supply will boost back up again. Most babies can compensate well for this temporary drop in supply with more frequent nursing.
Some babies may detect a slight change in the taste of the milk just before a period, again, due to hormonal changes. These same babies may nurse less often or less enthusiastically during this time as a result.
For some women, the drop in milk supply and nipple tenderness associated with menstruation becomes more of a challenge. An effective treatment for these symptoms associated with the return of periods is to add a calcium/magnesium supplement to the diet upon ovulation and continue it through the second or third day of a period. The supplement should be 1500 calcium/750 magnesium but can be as low as 500 calcium/250 magnesium (the higher the dosage the more effective and quicker the results). It should be a combination pill. This much calcium should never be taken alone. If your cycles are not regular and you do not know when you ovulate, you can take the supplement the entire month until you begin to see a pattern to your flow. This type of supplement seems to work as it prevents the drop in blood calcium levels which occurs mid-cycle and continues through the second to third day of a period. It is this drop which is associated with the nipple tenderness and drop in milk supply as well as the uterine cramping so often experienced with menstruation. You only need to take one pill a day.
So, mommy untuk penyerapan yang terbaik, kalsium perlu bersama-sama magnesium dan vit D dalam satu masa..
Beberapa website yang menyokong penyusuan susu ibu.
Sumber asal :
Akakmanis dah jumpa dah makanan tambahan untuk kalsium-magnesium-vit D dalam 1 tablet... mudah kerjanya... telan dapat semua.. Gigi bertambah kuat, tulang bertambah padat
Selain momm BF pun boleh ambil makanan tambahan ni sebab ia sesuai untuk semua individu sihat, lelaki dan perempuan, ibu mengandung, wanita yang sering sakit pinggang (cramp) ketika di datangi haid (period) dan paling penting untuk semua yang TAK MINUM SUSU dan KALSIUM lain.
Selamatkan gigi dan tulang korang ya sebelum terlambat. Takkan memuda dah nak bergigi palsu, takkan masih muda nak tulang rapuh, osteopenia, dan paling teruk osteoporosis 😬😬😬.
Low milk supply associated with menstruation: Calcium/magnesium supplement
Some women experience a drop in milk supply from ovulation (mid-cycle) until the first day or two of the next menstrual period. A woman’s blood calcium levels gradually decrease during this period of time, and for some women the drop in blood calcium causes a drop in milk supply. For women who have this problem, calcium/magnesium supplements may be helpful. This practice has also been reported to eliminate most uterine cramping and some premenstrual discomfort such as water retention.
The recommended calcium supplement dosage is between 500 mg calcium/250 mg magnesium and 1500 mg calcium/750 mg magnesium (the higher dosage is generally more effective). Calcium dosages this high should not be taken alone, but as a calcium/magnesium (or calcium/magnesium/zinc) combination. Otherwise the calcium will not be adequately absorbed into your body. The amount of supplement depends on the composition of your diet — the more animal protein, the more calcium/magnesium needed. If you are a vegetarian or vegan, the lower dosage may work fine for you.
Start the supplement when you ovulate, and continue through the first few days of your menstrual period. If periods are irregular, then begin calcium/magnesium at 14 days after the beginning of your last menstrual cycle, or simply take the supplement every day.

Selain momm BF pun boleh ambil makanan tambahan ni sebab ia sesuai untuk semua individu sihat, lelaki dan perempuan, ibu mengandung, wanita yang sering sakit pinggang (cramp) ketika di datangi haid (period) dan paling penting untuk semua yang TAK MINUM SUSU dan KALSIUM lain.
Selamatkan gigi dan tulang korang ya sebelum terlambat. Takkan memuda dah nak bergigi palsu, takkan masih muda nak tulang rapuh, osteopenia, dan paling teruk osteoporosis 😬😬😬.
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